I don't know about anybody else, but mornings are REALLY nutso around here. Between getting myself ready (and looking at least a LITTLE bit presentable), getting the girls situated, and getting my shiz together for the gym, my lunch, and whatever other items I am taking to school with me that day, the last thing I need to concern myself with is my breakfast. Now... I need to divulge fully here... I RARELY make my own breakfast in the morning. For a long time, pretty much since forever, my hubs makes my breakfast. He also will pack my lunch (pre-paleo) and he packs the girls' lunches. I'm sure most people would stop here and say, "Well then what the hell are you worried about?" My answer is: I DON'T KNOW!!!! But for whatever reason, I struggle in the mornings and doing paleo has thrown a kink into the system because poor Jojo just doesn't know what to make for me! Enter the breakfast casserole. Last week we used all our DUH-LISH fresh produce and some fantastic breakfast meat and mixed it up with some eggs. VOILA... breakfast for the week. This week, from Farmer's Market, we got some fresh country sausage and lots of veggies. This week the ingredients were as follows:

- onion
- pepper
- zucchini
- spinach
- country sausage
- salt & pepper (and some cayenne)
- eggs (18)
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