I have officially had one of the WEIRDEST weeks of my life. Seriously. So it's been busy, not a big deal... but some of the things that have managed to happen this week really caught me a little off guard. So... there was the whole "holding a kid down" on Tuesday, followed by 5th grade volleyball. Then yesterday (missed a post for this one) I had a "fairly" regular day and then decided to go on a jog up by my school because it was BEAUTY outside and I thought it would be nice. I realized I forgot my ear-buds so I ended up wearing some GIANT headphones that are the over-the-ear kind that my students wear in the computer labs courtesy of my school district. I'm sure I looked SUPER rad running around in those suckers. THEN... I followed that up with delivering fast food items to people from our school (and some that aren't). Not my typical Wednesday evening activity. Which, I might add... I resisted the urge to DEVOUR a bacon cheeseburger that I saw and it literally almost jumped into my mouth. Really... that thing had legs. ANYHOOOO... so Wednesday came and went and here we are: Thursday. Sweet lord... It started out fairly regular in that I woke up a little too late, took my shower, got dressed, ate my BOMB breakfast courtesy of my hubby, and was a LITTLE late taking the youngest to her daycare lady. Taking her to daycare is always a little funny in the morning because "daycare" is essentially going to this lady's house (she actually is pretty wonderful and she's taken care of both my girls now for about 5 years) where they bake, play, clean, help fold laundry, read, color, play outside (weather permitting), and just hang out. She's kind of like a crazy aunt. Well, this morning the little one and I roll up outside her house and granted, we get there at about 6:55 A.M. I realize that's early... but nonetheless... it's been that way for five years now, like I said. So I knock and knock for nearly 5 minutes, finally I look in and see our "child care specialist" asleep in her la-z-boy. So I knock and the window and realize she's rousing so I go back to wait at the door where I hear a fairly substantial THUD. It was her... face-planting in her living room. WHAAAA???? Evidently her legs had fallen asleep while she was just "dozing off" and she literally fell face first in to her living room. She played it pretty cool while I was there, but when the hubby went to pick the wee one up, she had screwed up her knee pretty good and got some road rash on her nose. Good grief. THEN... moving on, I was TRYING to drive to work and a drive that should have taken no more than 30 minutes took me nearly an hour. All I can say is thank goodness for Pandora and good, happy music. Otherwise I would be a REALLY terrible person most of the time. Have you ever noticed that music can COMPLETELY change your attitude? This morning I got VERY in to some Heart, Chicago, and just to keep things interesting... Rump Shaker. That's right...
Okay... so I've finally made it to school and with barely enough time I fixed myself a mug of tea and got my room fairly straightened up (and since I was at school a little while longer yesterday before the fast-food-a-thon, things were pretty well ready to go). The bell rang and in filtered my kiddos. I have an EXTREMELY wonderful class, for the most part. My kids are sweet and eager to please and I do believe there's a lot of room for growth. HOWEVER... you remember that kiddo that I had to hold down on Tuesday? Well, he got a wild hair again today and decided to hoof it off campus. In other words, he was running the streets both in and out of the fences of our school. SOMETHING happened while this poor little person was in art today that sent into a tizzy and the little creature thought that the best move was to take off and run away. At one point, there were NINE adults trying to wrangle this kid and the little guy did NOT go down without a fight. His Mom was notified (obviously) and she (after some time) was able to get him and make him stop. But I'll just tell ya'... after something like that, I feel COMPLETELY spent. I can't quite begin to explain what it's like. It's like this weird no-man's land of feelings because I ADORE this kid. I really do. All I can think about is how bad I feel for him that he must be in that much pain and disarray that he believes his only option is to run away and try to hide. What must it be like to live in that poor little head of his... and he's NINE! I just hurt for him... HOWEVER... I also start to hurt for my other kiddos because then after something like that I just am so overwhelmed that I don't fully commit to the rest of my day and they then have to sacrifice because of my inability to overcome the feelings I am having about what had happened earlier in the morning. I mean, it's not like I'm stooped over sighing heavily and heavy breathing... but I am just a notch or two below where I normally am.

So tonight, when I got home... I thought it was a good excuse to do my very first attempt at "paleo baking." Let me tell you... the pictures look great... but these things are not awesome. Having done it this time (and spending like a gillion dollars on coconut flour and ingredients like that), I probably won't do it much more. I would MUCH rather have a grapefruit or an apple and almond butter as a treat. Sweet Jesus, did I really say that? I declared tonight, to the hubby, that when I'm in the mood to splurge, I'll really splurge and not try to substitute something else instead. Cuz I'll be honest... not so hot... and CERTAINLY not worth the time and energy. I found what looked like two solid recipes online... and they looked good, but just didn't pan out. I did a pumpkin spice guy with dark chocolate coating and walnuts and a chocolate with chocolate coating and coconut flakes. I do realize, however... that chocolate is generally not totally approved, but also extra dark chocolate is acceptable in small quantities... I say this is a small quantity. Especially when these donuts are disgustingly healthy (disgusting being kind of the operative word). I will test them out on some folks and let you know how it turns out. I thought I'd try it because every Friday our "pod" at school (the six classrooms that are in one wing of the school) takes turns buying coffees or morning beverages of choice (excluding mimosas). I thought it would be fun to make some "paleo donuts" to take and share. One girl is gluten-free and there's another paleo follower (which is kind of crazy, right? Three out of the six classrooms are following a fairly similar diet plan. Kinda' awesome.) Well, I made 'em... I'll take 'em... but I probably am not going to impress much of anyone.

So today... my lessons learned were that paleo baking isn't so great, running after a nine-year-old in and out of your school grounds is taxing, and don't surprise your daycare lady because she might fall on her face. OUCH.
Food for my belly today:
Breakfast: Another outstanding omelet and fruit bowl.
Lunch: Leftover shredded chicken on a salad with avocado and tomato... and of course a grapefruit.
Dinner: This awesome marinara with TONS of veggies sliced up and ground turkey all mixed up. It was kind of like an italian chili with a crapload of vegetables like spinach, asparagus, zucchini, tomatoes, broccolette, and herbs. It was actually SUPER delicious. My hubby did it all by himself!
Dessert: Donut batter, some dark chocolate chips, and some walnuts... I kinda' succumb to the powers that be this evening... but ah well.
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