I'll keep this short and sweet. Today, my task for myself and everybody else... be good to yourself. There are days where everything goes to h-e-double hockey sticks, and you gotta' give yourself a break. I know that you can't excuse all bad decisions (food, working out, choice words, etc.), but some days you're not gonna' be perfect, because life isn't perfect. So today, be good to yourself, give yourself a break, and know that along the way you've made a LOT of good choices that have led you to all the wonderful things in your life. So today... another compare/contrast. Just because I don't weight 300 pounds anymore doesn't mean I'm where I SHOULD be... but dammit I've come a long way. 'Tis the season, so I thought this would be a good one to see the changes and appreciate how far I've come and give myself a break. Just for today. Tomorrow I'll get back on the wagon and take charge, but for now, I appreciate my effort and I'll work that much harder to know that I need to move on and move forward. I'm a different person than I was... in some ways. In others, I'm still very much the same little lady that managed to balloon up to the size of a lineman for the Kansas City Chiefs. Zoinks... so here's to a new day and not feeling too crummy about some of those choices that probably weren't made in the most balanced and grounded place in my mind.
The day started with excellent choices for my belly... then...
Breakfast: Smoothie with spinach, berries, cherries, hemp powder (super hippy, dippy, right?), and coconut milk.
Lunch: Salad with chia seeds, sunflower seeds and shrimp with homemade red wine vinaigrette (I never know how to spell that word) and... wait for it... grapefruit. Yum.
Dinner: Lots of random food that individually isn't so bad, but when you chunk it all together... a weird gorge-fest of: chocolate chips, peanut butter, an apple (to be healthy of course), honey, a little bit of pork carnitas (mexican pork), and then a few more chocolate chips and walnuts. Sheesh. Like I said... give me a break, please?
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