Monday, October 7, 2013


So, I'm gonna' start with a totally un-paleo approach to today and say... I AM SO FREAKING TIRED OF BEING WOKEN UP BY MY 3-YEAR-OLD TELLING ME SHE PEED HER BED.  Seriously... we have washed her sheets more in the last two weeks than I have washed my own sheets in the last year.  I'm annoyed.  I have NO IDEA what to do.  We've limited liquids, her bathroom is lit up like the Luxor in Vegas, and her route to the pot has never been more explicit.  She has even peed THROUGH her pull-up which we have resorted to on more than one occasion. I'm annoyed, and completely unclear on what the h-e-double hockey stick to do.  ARGH.  I guess I should be grateful because at least it wasn't her waking me up squishing her hands together telling me she needed to wash her hands... and being SLAMMED in the face with the smell of Baby Vick's Vapo-Rub.  At 2:00 in the morning, my daughter woke me up to inform me that she wasn't tired, so she rubbed herself down in Vicks Vapo Rub.  WHAAAAAAT????  God bless that child, but I sometimes wanna' just shove her in a closet and forget she was there.  She would probably be perfectly happy there and we'd just hear a little peep every now and then asking for an iPad or a snack or something.  Weirdo.

Today was so very much a Monday.  I'm tired, I wanted nothing but junk food, and I didn't have time to work out because of a quick after-school meeting that I didn't know I should be at.  But tomorrow I start coaching volleyball!  HA!  A whole bunch of fifth grade kiddos running around attempting to bump and set balls.  What am I getting myself into?  Ah well... Monday is soon behind me and I'm heading into Tuesday with "hopefully" a whole new attitude.  OH!  I almost forgot... I started today with a dance party dedicated to one of my co-teachers that left me the year before last.  We often found ourselves needing a quick pre-school-day dance party to change our outlook... so here is today's dance party. Hopefully it'll help you feel a little better.  :)

I filled my belly with:

Breakfast:  Leftover sweet potato hash and two eggs, sliced bananas mixed with unsweetened shredded coconut, raspberries, and slivered raw almonds.  (REALLY FILLING and probably a little much... but really needed for getting me out in to the world today... plus, I needed all the fuel I could get my hands on for that kickin' dance party.  Yes... I'm 34.)
Lunch:  Leftover spaghetti squash and ground turkey marinara, baby carrots, and a grapefruit.  (Have I mentioned I am OBSESSED with this citrus?  Sidenote: I have a grapefruit soul sister at school that picked me up a bag from Costco... it was like the sweetest little thoughtful gift and it was a bag of grapefruit... I love her.)
Dinner:  (TALK ABOUT A WEIRD MIX... The hubby was gone at a meeting, so I ate...) Half a leftover chicken thigh, part of an avocado, some applewood smoked bacon, pistachios, and an apple.  Weird?  yes.  Filling?  Yes.  Satisfying... not terribly.


  1. SARAH BERGIE!!! you have no idea how much that video made me laugh when i needed it the most. i miss our morning dance parties and how good your room smelled, i miss our morning coffee runs for each other and ooohhing and ahhing over what you brought to school for lunch. i love reading your blog because it makes me feel all connected and stuff. *sniff*. aaanndd i'm also getting my ass in gear, doing zumba twice a week and working out with my awesome personal trainer twice a week. aanndd a bunch of running around in between. you are such an inspiration, sweets!! i think of you all the time. xoxoxo

  2. Oh AFD... what do I do without you? The answer is nothing. I miss you so much it hurts. This school year is SO DIFFERENT, but the good news is I'm getting to know Taiger better and man, does that girl keep me on my toes. hahaha! I love you and I miss you. YOU inspire me. I have loved watching you make such awesome changes for yourself all the while keeping the AFD that we know and love. Can't wait to see you next time... maybe next time we can look for a 5K to do together!!!! So fun! I love you, girl... keep it up and let me know how things are going!
