I am the WORST person in the world to not get sleep. From a very early age, I was TERRIBLE when I didn't get enough sleep. Even on the phone with my own Mama today, she said... "Oh, and you're not good without sleep." She should know!!! The last couple weeks I have been woken up either by my kids (which seems "normal") or my husband because he's been kinda' sick and he has been sleeping LOUD. I adore my hubby, but he's a loud sleeper to begin with and then with a stuffy nose... oh boy. It's kinda' like there are a herd of congested elk tromping through our bedroom.... except they never tromp THROUGH... they just stay there, not moving, making noise. The kicker, though... two nights ago, at about 3:54 A.M. (I know this exact time because I remember waking up, looking at the clock, and then thinking, "WHAT THE F???") Anna came in and woke me up by tapping me on the cheek and telling me she had a splinter and she couldn't sleep. Yes, my four year old came in and informed me that she had a splinter that was keeping her awake. So... we did surgery at 4 A.M. and she went blissfully back to sleep while I TRIED to go back to sleep, but then just thinking, "I have to wake up in 2 hours, I have to wake up in an hour and a half, I have to wake up in an hour" etc. etc. There are some days that I just have no idea how to approach my own life. Like, is this really happening? I find myself thinking that A LOT. Like, "No Anna, you can't step on your sister's head," or "Don't put that dried slug in your mouth!" or "You have to have pants on before we can leave." Those are pretty tame, but you get the picture. I am in a mild state of sleep deprivation. It's not TERRIBLE, but it's bad enough that I'm grumpy, I'm blowing things out of proportion, and I'm generally just "bleh." I was hoping that paleo would be some magic cure for even that, but I don't think any amount of leafy greens or fresh vegetables are gonna' make up for the fact that I just need sleep. Even paleo can't tame this beast. Plus, today was the first day that I just was so tired and "eh" that this paleo gig hasn't seemed to golden. I didn't want to necessarily "cheat," but I wanted a muffin or something. HA! THEN... I take a stroll down memory lane (i.e. my photo files) and I'm reminded where I came from, and where I want to be. Even better than that, I'm super excited about exactly where I am, not just where I want to be "eventually." Okay, this paleo mama needs to get some Z's... in the meantime, check this out... six years in a row of almost the exact same date. WHOA. Look at my face!!!

Yeah, I'm doing just fine. HOLY SMOKES... Sometimes I forget where I was, and even where I am. I don't think I see it sometimes. For whatever reason it's easier to "see" in pictures than from memory. I'm not even sure I see myself at the size I am now. I'm SHOCKED sometimes when I see a size 8 on a tag. THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!! not when I was rockin' a 24 at one point. HOLY HELL.
Here's what went in my belly today!
Breakfast: two eggs with two slices of bacon with an apple
Lunch: TACO SALAD AGAIN!!! with carrots and another apple
Dinner: AWESOME pork chop with roasted zucchini and butternut squash
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