I just got done telling the hubs that I feel EXHAUSTED today. I really worked the hell out of my job today. Everybody has those days where they really DO THEIR JOB. Like, no surfing the web, writing extra emails, or wasting time. I feel like I used EVERY SECOND today making sure my kiddos were learning what they were supposed to learn and get what they were supposed to get. We have a big test tomorrow. HA! Through it all, though, I had to think about how I FEEL. Like, really actually giving some thought to what life used to be like BEFORE this 30 day paleo challenge for myself. I always used to fizzle. I would have a decent amount of energy in the beginning of the day, but then after lunch no matter what I ate I would have no energy whatsoever. In turn, I lost a lot of motivation to really DO my job. I mean, I would do my job and I would teach, but I wouldn't kick it's ass the way I have been the last few days. I'm more alert, more excited to see them learn, and more motivated to really kick some third grade petuties. Now I have NO IDEA if what I'm doing is just conjuring these feelings up from THINKING it's helping, or if this diet really is having a profound effect on all the things it boasts, but it's pretty great. The other thing I was thinking about is how very different I am now. I wouldn't get on the floor with the kids very much because it was just plain hard. Now I'm all over the place. In fact, we have instituted "Fitness Fridays" with my kids where we devote about an hour and a half on Fridays to doing some kind of physical fitness and some nutrition education. My choices have changed my life, and it's really extraordinary. Even other than the more recent "paleo" choice I've made, making choices based on what is going to benefit my health overall has made me a totally different person. I am more invested in every single thing that I do. Sometimes I worry that this process is so very selfish. I worry that I'm so focused on myself that I forget to give enough time and energy to the people around me. Then I realize that by taking care of myself I'm giving so much more of myself more freely. I DO more when I'm present, I'm available. I feel good so I participate more.

Since it was girls night again, I made something I really only make when the hubs is gone. I L.O.V.E. shrimp. He doesn't hate it, but doesn't love it... so to be honest, I don't waste it on him. (Wow, I really am a horrible person...) Anyway, we had some yellow beets left that hadn't been used, so I chopped up one of those, a couple zucchini, and a crap-load of garlic. I sauteed them up and then added the shrimps and some red pepper flake, some spinach and then some lemon. HOLY BALLS. It isn't the prettiest picture in the world, but I have never had yellow beets before and I think it's officially my new favorite thing in the world. If I go back to the Farmers Market on Sunday (which I totally am, whether I can afford it or not... I will literally sell myself on the street corners if I have to... or hold a sign that says "Will work for beets. God Bless.") I'm buying myself some more freaking BEETS!
What went in my belly?
Breakfast: Breakfast casserole and avocado with tomato. No fruits this morning...
Lunch: Green salad with steak, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, avocado, sunflower seeds, and balsamic. Also, a clementine. Yummy.
Dinner: Yellow beet magic stated above.
After-dinner treat: Dried apricots with walnuts. I make these little apricot sandwiches. Picture this: walnut, dried apricot, walnut. Boom... walnut sammy. (Anna calls them big orange raisins.)
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