Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Good. Night. Nurse.

I got nothin'... seriously.  I woke up this morning SO EXCITED to tell you about my delicious breakfast treat concoction and then school wasn't so hot, then I had a totally weird meeting after school, then I came home and sweet, delightful, 2-year-old Lucy and I sat for TWO HOURS at the dinner table because she was being a total shit.  That's right, I just called my daughter whom I birthed and adore, a shit.  Because she is.  She is so freaking savvy and manipulative.  Anybody who doesn't have a child like this... bless you and may your blessings flow.  I, however, am graced with one child (Anna) who is terribly wonderful and is so feeling and sweet.  She is a mini-mama and wears her feelings on her sleeve and FOR THE MOST PART is fairly easy to manipulate and is a totally sweet little girl.  ON THE OTHER HAND... There is Lucy. 
Lucy came out completely different right from the start.  I have said multiple times that I kinda' don't like her like 80% of the time.  Then she is the COOLEST child in the world 20% of the time that completely trumps the totally shitty 80%.  She is honest to goodness the most flabbergasting and fantastic child I have ever known.  Whoever says they love their children exactly the same are so full of absolute horse-hockey.  I ADORE both my children, but I love Lucy in a completely different, no more no less, way than Anna.  Likewise, I love Anna in a TOTALLY different way than Lucy.  Lucy put me through the ringer tonight.  I am SUCH a stubborn Mom.  I told her she had to have three more bites, so I'll be DAMMED that child is going to have three bites.  We must have gone back and forth to timeout 129 times.  It was a total walk of shame... back and forth, back and forth, back and forth... but guess what?  That freaking child took her third bite and...  I WIIIIINNNNN!!!!  But in addition to being victorious, I am EXHAUSTED.  Anybody who has endured something like the events of this evening knows that the majority of the time you feel like a complete a-hole because you're hoping that what you're doing is the "right" thing and that hopefully in the end you'll reap the rewards of your child  not being such a turd.  So I am totally tired and completely exhausted from the treacherous conditions of this family's house tonight.

OH!  I almost forgot!  My breakfast concoction!  Okay, I'm gettin' my wits about me and my fervor for this breakfast ditty is coming back.  So I had my slice of breakfast casserole sans tomato or avocado.  However, I wasn't satisfied yet, so I put half a super ripe banana and a scoop of almond butter in the microwave for like 20 seconds until it was softened and warm.  I squished it all together and stirred it up with some walnut pieces and then added some fresh blueberries.  It was kind of like oatmeal/pb&j/heaven in a plastic pink ikea child's bowl.  It was really that good.  I will hopefully be more chipper and delightful tomorrow evening, but that is completely up to Lucy.  (Turd)

What went in my belly today?
Breakfast:  Breakfast casserole with oatmeal/pb&j/heaven.
Snack: mandarin orange.
Lunch: Leftover fajita salad with AWESOME avocado dressing.
Dinner:  Steak with roasted cauliflower and brussel sprouts and sauteed mushrooms.

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