I had an incredibly spectacular start to my day. I wish I could explain it... do you ever just have one of those mornings that makes you... I dunno... just happy? Like you feel like things might all work out, all the crap might actually get taken care of, and you MIGHT actually accomplish what you want to accomplish that day? One reason I'm sure for the insane amount of "glass half full" attitude is because I woke up early to work out. I LOVE to work out in the morning. In the summer it's a piece of cake because scheduling doesn't require any kind of crazy accommodating. However, once the school year starts, working out gets so much more difficult to "fit in." Between "Mom guilt" and "wife guilt" and "teacher guilt," it's hard to get there. I feel bad 'cuz I'm not spending that time with my girls, I feel bad because I should be hanging out or somehow contributing more with the house, with the hubs, whatever...and I feel like I should be spending more time in my classroom getting things to be perfect and prepping everything so it's ready weeks in advance and so my teaching team can rest easy that I'm pulling my weight. Seriously... how do I survive with all the guilt? I know, I know... my issues aren't terrible. I'm SO LUCKY that I have such awesome kids that I want to be around that much, a husband I would actually like to spend time with, and a job that is so rewarding that I would want to invest so much time into. I have so many amazing things going for me, but sometimes just trying to keep all the balls in the air is a challenge. But today, I woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 4:15 A.M. to get changed and head to my favorite little neighborhood 24 hour card-key gym. I seriously love this gym. It's the same little guy I've been going to since I began this journey over 3 years ago. The owners are COMPLETELY fantastic (and ironically the husband of the husband-wife duo is from Kansas, which is where I'm from by the way... crazy, right?). I went and I was the only soul in there. From 4:30-5:30 this morning I owned that gym and I rocked out and worked "off my petutie." (In the words of my student.)

School was great, had some meetings, everything was pretty normal there. At lunch today people were very inquisitive as to the "diet" that I was trying. Seemed that for whatever reason it came up today in a different way than it does with my more "inner circle" of friends at work. There were a few more people at lunch that we don't normally overlap with much and they were asking a lot of questions. I can honestly say I had all the answers! I knew why, I knew what, and I knew how! So far, I have felt so good about this little endeavor that I really do think it's something I could maintain more long-term. Granted, including some libations from time-to-time is going to be a necessity, but it's COMPLETELY manageable and I'm really finding a lot of things I'm growing to love (like the breakfast deliciousness). Today was kind of make-shift in terms of food because it was leftover day, but it was still very satisfying and I didn't ever feel like I was being deprived of anything.
I managed to upkeep the good attitude throughout the rest of the day and was looking forward to my quiet night at home alone with the girls. I got a drop-kick in the arse with the inevitable stack of bills that was waiting for me at home. I had to work on trying to figure out how to schedule paying them all and keeping them all on time and not running out of dough, but the idea of the girls night I had ahead of me helped. "Girls Night" is treasured time for me. They're just so laid back and mellow for whatever reason (minus the 4 trips to time out this evening), and we listen to music and eat dinner together. Anna told me about preschool and that she didn't do e.p. (confusing P.E.) but did music time today and she had to act like a leaf. She also told me about her first day of her 4th rotation of ballet, and how she helped her teacher and "did a WARY, WARY, WARY good job." (She says "wary" instead of "very"... I really don't want that to ever correct itself.) My schedule for school doesn't allow me to participate in their daily day-time needs, take them to preschool, pick them up from preschool, have lunch with them, or take them to ballet, so the fact that I get a little time "just us" here at home every now and then is really special to me.
I hope that very soon I have another day that I feel as empowered as I did this morning. I know it's all a choice, and as my sis mentioned today in her blog, "You get what you put in." I know this is just a choice I've been making for a couple weeks (not even) now, but I feel like making a choice like this and really sticking with it has given me a sense of accomplishment that for whatever reason I had lost somewhere along the way. I'm working hard, I'm focused, and I'm feeling successful... that's bound to do somethin' for the spirit.
What exactly went in my belly today?
Breakfast: shockingly, breakfast casserole with avocado and tomato, banana almond butter walnut blueberry concoction and warm tea. DUH-LISH. (oh, and before I went to the gym I had a little Italian plum)
Lunch: Leftover steak with mushrooms and roasted cauliflower with a green salad and a mandarin orange.
Snack: Walnuts and another mandarin orange!
Dinner: Leftover steak, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower.
Dessert!: Banana with almond butter smeared on it (I needed a little somethin' this evening).
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